Johnny Depp, Paul Bettany and Rebecca Hall star in the science fiction thriller Transcendence, directed byThe Dark Knight Trilogy cinematographer Wally Pfister. Watch the movie trailers, view the movie poster and photos below. In the film, three leading computer scientists work toward their goal of making the world’s first fully self-aware computer, as a radical anti-technology organization fights to prevent them from creating a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.
- Release Date: April 18, 2014 (theaters, IMAX)
- Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
- Genre: Action, Drama, Science Fiction
- Director: Wally Pfister
- Screenwriter: Jack Paglen
- Official Website: TranscendenceMovie. com
- Cast: Johnny Depp, Paul Bettany, Rebecca Hall, Kate Mara, Cillian Murphy, Clifton Collins Jr., Morgan Freeman, Cole Hauser
- Running Time: Unknown
- MPAA Rating: Not yet rated
Plot Summary
Dr. Will Caster is the foremost researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known with the full range of human emotions. His highly controversial experiments have made him famous, but they have also made him the prime target of anti-technology extremists who will do whatever it takes to stop him. However, in their attempt to destroy Will, they inadvertently become the catalyst for him to succeed—to be a participant in his own transcendence. For his wife Evelyn and friend Max, both fellow researchers, the question is not if they can… but if they should. Their worst fears are realized as Will’s thirst for knowledge evolves into a seemingly omnipresent quest for power—to what end is unknown. The only thing that is becoming terrifyingly clear is there may be no way to stop him.
Transcendence Movie Trailers
Transcendence Photos / Posters